Manuel Enrique Gutierrez Perez
2010-09-13 14:30:57 UTC
Hello, I´m a KDE user since kde 3.x and I´m very disappointed with Gwenview in its actual state, don´t get me wrong is great, the user interface is awesome, but it lacks one feature from KDE 3.x, image interpolation, please let´s think this way: you can install several video players, smplayer, VLC, etc... but the image viewer place has always been for Gwenview, before you developers focus on video support you should get to work on "image" features wich is the objetive of the software, I´m not more happy with Gwenview because it can play videos, altought I´m a little bit sad for its lackness of interpolation algorithms.
People, even gpicview has a decent interpolation..!!!
Cheers, Manuel.
People, even gpicview has a decent interpolation..!!!
Cheers, Manuel.