Thumbnail Browsing
2009-03-30 19:44:54 UTC

I was wondering if there was a way to make the new version
of gwenview load all the tumbnails on startup like the earlier version.
I use it for searching large groups of pictures and when I say large
I'm talking groups of over a thousand pictures per directory. Waiting
for it to load images every page makes it fairly useless for quick
searching. I'd also like to know is there any way to get browse and
view on the same page; while the bar is okay, it realy isn't very
useful for searching these large groups of pictures.

Also, a
feature I would like to see return is picture number. If I have to
leave off a search to do something else I would like to be able to go
back to where I was, but that's much harder now without numbering.


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Aurélien Gâteau
2009-04-06 07:04:16 UTC
Post by S T
I was wondering if there was a way to make the new version
of gwenview load all the tumbnails on startup like the earlier version.
I use it for searching large groups of pictures and when I say large
I'm talking groups of over a thousand pictures per directory. Waiting
for it to load images every page makes it fairly useless for quick
Sorry, there is no such option because it would result in huge amount of
memory consumption when browsing large folders like the one you describe.
Post by S T
I'd also like to know is there any way to get browse and
view on the same page; while the bar is okay, it realy isn't very
useful for searching these large groups of pictures.
The bar is expected to become a bit more powerful. It is already
possible now to put it on the right side. If time permit, support for
multiple rows/columns will be added.
Post by S T
Also, a
feature I would like to see return is picture number. If I have to
leave off a search to do something else I would like to be able to go
back to where I was, but that's much harder now without numbering.
I agree, will see what do to about this. Meanwhile you can abuse Nepomuk
to do this: create a last-seen tag and assign it to the last image you

